University Golf Course Clubhouse Was Infirmary

University Golf Clubhouse Has “Medical” Background – (1939)

Don’t be alarmed if, on any hot day when you are basking in the shade of the university golf course clubhouse, you suddenly detect a faint aroma of ether, cough medicine or the like. It is just a lingering remembrance of the days when that two-room frame building was built in 1909 behind Craig hall, which was then a dormitory. The modern heating plant was yet to come and the infirmary was heated by a coal stove. The health department was one nurse who administered all medicine and took care of the miscellaneous complaints of the students.

The building was cold and drafty in the winter and hard to keep clean. During epidemics of contagious diseases the little building was hard put to house all the patients and it was difficult to find any crew on the campus who would consent to fumigate the building after one of these epidemics.

In 1933 the building was moved to its present location and has been used as a clubhouse first for the townspeople and then for the students when the university took over the golf course.


The above article appeared in The Montana Kaimin – of what was then known as Montana State University – on March 29, 1939.

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