Trip To Spokane – 11 Hours

Trip To Spokane Made From Here In 11 Hours

After making the trip from Missoula to Spokane by automobile Sunday in 11 hours, W. C. Elmore returned to Missoula by rail yesterday. In speaking of the roads, Mr. Elmore said that from Missoula to Frenchtown they are rough, but from there to St. Regis they are in good condition, but muddy.

“The real hard stretch is after leaving the Camel’s Hump and from there on to Wallace. The ruts are six or seven inches deep in spots. On the Wallace hill the snow is level with the axels of a car.

“It is difficult to turn out on meeting cars and chains are needed in passing. There are only five or six miles of slow road from Wallace to Spokane. The road work done on the Fourth of July canyon section during the past year has made an unusually good stretch of road there.”

The above article appeared in The Daily Missoulian on December 15, 1925.

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