Section D Page 8 Missoulian Centennial Captions from 5 Photos

Captions from 5 photos on Page 8 Section D

Western Montana grain crops such as this field of oats have been consistent winners in area competition, some crops capturing international and national awards in years past. This crop produced 120 bushels to the acre. (Courtesy of Northern Pacific Railway)

Beautiful as well as practical in supplying a part of the western Montana fruit crop are these blossom-laden apple trees shown against a backdrop of one of western Montana’s many impressive mountain ranges. (Photo by R. H. Mckay)

These two scenes in the Bitter Root Valley south of the Garden City are typical of harvest time in western Montana, the rich valley floor covered with bountiful crops. Agriculture long has been one of the state’s leading industries. (Ernst Peterson Photos)


Horses were a vital factor in the early growth of Missoula, providing transportation and helping to work the soil. Today they still play an important role in the lives of western Montanans in saddle clubs, horse shows, the Sheriff’s Posse and in man’s treks into the backwoods, wilderness and primitive areas. (Courtesy of Northern Pacific Railway)

Posted by: Don Gilder on