Section D Page 7 Missoulian Centennial 282 Die and 382 Born in 1932

282 Die and 382 Born in 1932

In 1932, 282 residents and nonresidents of Missoula County died in Missoula, while 382 boys and girls were born during the same period.

Heart disease, cancer and pneumonia were the causes of 110 deaths during the year. Heart disease caused 55, cancer, 32, pneumonia, 23.

Others were apoplexy, 15; accidents, 15, and nephritis, 9. Various other causes accounted for the rest of the deaths. There were no fatalities due to car accidents.


There were 1,138 cases of disease reported to the health department in 1932. Of these 564 were influenza and 40 were chickenpox.

Posted by: Don Gilder on