Section D Page 5 Missoulian Centennial Schilling Block Destroyed

Schilling Block Destroyed

Losses amounted to about $50,000 on Feb. 20, 1925, when the Schilling Block in the 100 Block on West Front street was destroyed in Missoula’s worst fire since 1913. In 1913 Hotel Florence burned down with damages amounting to $76,950.

The Schilling Block blaze was not entirely extinguished until 3:30 p.m. after burning from about 1 a.m. It was necessary to call in the day fire crew.

The building was erected in 1889 and housed a theater, bar and a rooming house. In 1899 the building was saved in the fire which destroyed the Houston building next door east to the Schilling Block.

At the time of the blaze in 1925 the Schilling building, owned by Frank Cooney and Fred Cowna, housed the Grand Hotel on the second floor, and the Clem J. Pine garage in the first floor and basement.


Will Cave, although not a commissioned fireman, was on hand to serve hot coffee to the firemen.

Posted by: Don Gilder on