Sec. C Pg 17 Missoulian Centennial Woman’s Club Organized With 26 Charter Members

Woman’s Club Organized With 26 Charter Members

The Woman’s Club of Missoula was organized May 10, 1902, at the home of Mrs. L. J. Knapp. There were 26 charter members.

Mrs. L. J. Knapp was elected the first president. Other officers were Mrs. E. R. Corbin, first vice president; Mrs. Tyler Worden, second vice president; Mrs. George Cook, recording secretary; Mrs. Robert Cooper, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. A. Miles, financial secretary; Mrs. Oscar Craig, treasurer, and Mrs. W. P. Mills, auditor.

Sections in music, art, literature, social and domestic science and current events were organized as early as May 1902. In 1935 a Junior Membership Department was added which is still an important part of the Woman’s Club.

Probably the first civic step was taken Nov. 29, 1902, when a committee composed of Mrs. Hiram Knowles, Mrs. Priscilla Miles and Mrs. Elizabeth Skinner was appointed to secure an anti-expectoration ordinance. It seems women’s skirts were being contaminated as women walked on Missoula’s board walks. From this effort such an ordinance came into existence.

Joins GFWC

The club joined the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1902 and in 1904 became affiliated with the Montana Federation of Women’s Clubs.

A Missoula member, Mrs. Carroll E. Miller, has held three of the highest offices in the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, largest group of organized women in the world with a membership of approximately 12,000,000 women. She is now first vice president.


Officers for 1959 – 60 of the local organization are Mrs. B. F. Johnson, president; Mrs. Harry Shryock, first vice president; Mrs. S. J. Knutsen, second vice president; Mrs. Fred Kendall, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Edward Thomas, recording secretary; Mrs. Walter O. Coombs, financial secretary; Mrs. Ray R. Mitchell, treasurer; Miss Clementine Gros, auditor, and Mrs. G. M. DeJarnette, immediate past president.

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