Sec. C Pg 17 Missoulian Centennial Orchard Homes Clubs Founded To Improve Community Area

Orchard Homes Clubs Founded To Improve Community Area

The Orchard Homes Country Life Club was organized for the improvement of the Orchard Homes area and also as a social club in January 1911.

Charter members numbered about 40. John P. Irving was the first president and other officers were H.C.B. Colvill, vice president; F. T. Parker, secretary; Edward Miller, treasurer; Otto Benson, John Kack and Mrs. F. T. Parker, trustees.

The clubhouse was built in 1906 as a Sunday School. Since then the club has added a kitchen, stage, rest rooms and recently coat rooms in the front of the building. It is located at the corner of South 3rd street and Grove. The kitchen is equipped to serve about 200.

Projects of the club include two dinners each year and a Market Day in the fall. These are held to finance the club. The profit from Market Day is usually about $1,000.

Women’s Auxillary

The Women’s Auxillary of the Country Life Club was organized in 1920 with 20 charter members. The first officers were Mrs. J. S. B. Clements, president; Mrs. J. D. DeJarnette, first vice president; Mrs. J. P. Woodbury, second vice president; Mrs. John Stahl, secretary; Mrs. Edwin Kramer, treasurer; Mrs. George Hemmick, auditor; Mrs. Frank Cooney, Mrs. John P. Irving and Mrs. J. St.Germaine, directors.

The club joined the General Federation of Women’s Clubs the same year. The name was changed to the Orchard Homes Women’s Club in 1936.


Present officers are Mrs. Fred Madsen Sr., president; Mrs. Robert Goocher, first vice president; Mrs. William Longpre, second vice president; Mrs. John Chamberlain, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Louis Bellusci, treasurer, and Mrs. R. B. Hart, auditor.

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