Sec. C Page 8 Missoulian Centennial 1917 Sees Start of Faculty Club
1917 Sees Start of Faculty Club
In 1917 Mrs. E. O. Sisson, wife of the president of Montana State University, had the first meeting of the Faculty Women’s Club in her home. Fourteen were present.
The sole object of the club at that time was social activity, and members brought their sewing. The first officers were Mrs. E. O. Sisson, president; Mrs. A. E. Spaulding, vice president; Mrs. Anders Orbeck, secretary; Mrs. F. C. Scheuch, treasurer.
Membership since that first meeting has increased to 127. The club helps sponsor the Synadelphic House, a women’s cooperative house on campus. Each year $50 scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior woman and a trophy is presented to the living group with the highest scholastic standing for that quarter.
Officers for 1959-60; Mrs. John Lester, president; Mrs. Vedder Gilbert, vice president; Mrs. John Munoz, secretary, and Mrs. Erling Jorgensen, treasurer.