Russell Street Bridge


Russell Street Bridge – 1957


The information below is taken from the 2011 Russell – 3rd Street Environmental Impact Statement:



Chapter 1.0 – Purpose and Need


1 – 4 Russell Street / South 3rd Street -Missoula


The existing Russell Street Bridge, formally known as the Lincoln-Russell Bridge, was built in


1957. The bridge consists of two, 12± foot lanes and two, 4.0± foot raised sidewalks adjacent to


the roadway. The existing bridge is approximately 420 feet long with four 105 foot spans over


the approximately 407-foot bottom width channel. The structure is supported by three in-stream


piers. The existing vertical clearance between the Russell Street Bridge and the 100-year flood


elevation at the south abutment is approximately 4.0 feet. Runoff from the existing Russell


Street Bridge currently drains into the Clark Fork River. The bridge footings support the interior


piers and are approximately 10 feet wide by 34± feet long with a thickness of approximately 7.0


feet. Each abutment cap is supported by a wall resting on two pads that are approximately 3.0 by


14± feet wide with a thickness of approximately 4.0 feet.


Posted by: Don Gilder on