Reverend Hugh Lamont – “He got next to the hearts of his people”

Reverend Hugh Lamont

He was one of those early-day preachers who got next to the hearts of his people . . . “

Rev Hugh Lamont only lived in Missoula a short time, however, he left his mark, not only as a Presbyterian pastor, but also as an author. He furnished a description of Missoula that has endured for well over a century.

Who was he?  An article about him that appeared in the town where he lived prior to coming to Missoula mentioned him in 1890.

A Live Western Town

Rev. Hugh Lamont, formerly pastor of the First Presberterian (sic) church of this city, is now the pastor of the Presbyterian church at Missoula, Montana, a thriving town on the Northern Pacific, west of Helena. That wide-awake typical western town has just published an illustrated advertising pamphlet which shows the place up to good advantage. The reading matter was written by Mr. Lamont and is well done. The Journal is indebted to him for a copy.

The above article is from the Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Crawfordsville, Indiana, on June 14, 1890.

The publication referred to in the above article is ‘Missoula Illustrated’ which was published in 1890 by H. H. Hook and Company.[1] The fascinating 48-page booklet features many important things relevant to Missoula in 1890 – from photos, and drawings to maps with a detailed design for a city dam, as well as Important buildings and sketches of people. It also has several competent essays on Missoula’s origins. Given that it was funded and promoted by Missoula’s Board of Trade, the goal of the document was indeed a commercial one, yet the result has outlived their expectations, much to our benefit.  If the Reverend Lamont wrote the text for the document he deserved a hearty congratulation for the achievement.

Reverend Lamont moved on shortly after the publication of ‘Missoula Illustrated’ but he left many friends in Missoula. He died in Idaho in 1904. His obituary below appeared in The Daily Missoulian on July 5, 1904:

Rev. Lamont Is Dead At Emmett, Idaho

Old-Time Presbyterian Preacher of Missoula Had Many Friends in Various Montana Towns.

Word was received from Boise yesterday by Mrs. Marcus L. Crouch of the death of Rev. Hugh Lamont, who died at Emmett, Idaho, Wednesday. Rev. Lamont was at one time a resident of this city and his friends number all old timers of Missoula. While in this city he had charge of the Presbyterian church and was one of the most popular pastors that church has ever had. He was of a most congenial nature and everyone who knew him was his friend. He was one of those early-day preachers who got next to the hearts of his people and whose friends were not confined to his congregation.

Rev. Lamont had friends throughout the state. In Dillon he has relatives. Miss Grace Lamont, postmistress of that city, being his niece. For a while he lived in that town and his genial good nature, faithful devotion to his duties and general personality won for him many friends.

He was born in Cincinnati about 60 years ago and served in the war of the rebellion, having enlisted in an Illinois regiment. His term of enlistment was cut short on account of a serious illness. He was married in 1868 to Miss Stella Sabin.

Rev. Lamont left this city about eight years ago to take charge of the work of the Presbyterian church at Vancouver, Wash., afterwards being transferred to Nampa, Idaho, which place he was serving at the time he died. Of late years he has been prominent in G. A. R. work and for the past three years has been state chaplain for the Grand Army of Idaho.


Posted by: Don Gilder on