Ready for Fall Term – Missoula Schools 1900


Superintendent Hamilton Assigns Teachers in Schools.


The Faculty Is the Same as Last Year With Two Exceptions – Teachers Hold a Meeting on Saturday

Missoula, Sept. 8 – Superintendent Hamilton of the public schools of Missoula announces the assignment of teachers as follows:

Central school building – Eighth grade, Grace Herndon; seventh grade, A. Helen Cramer; seventh grade, B. Mary McBride; sixth grade, Amanda Loftness; fifth grade, Ethel Grant; fourth grade, Mittie Shoup; third grade, Fanny Robinson; second grade, Mary Sloane, first grade, Lillian Phelps.

South side building – Eighth grade, Bertha Cushing; fifth and sixth grades, Eva Totman; third and fourth grades, Anna Trevaille; first and second grades, Kate Shelly.

North side building – Fifth and sixth grades, Zoe Bellew; third and fourth grades, Jessie McKellar; second grade, Elsie Reinhard; first grade, Ida Keup.

East side building – Third and fourth grades, Pearl Marshall*; first and second grades, Katharine Gharrett.

The schools will open Monday. The teachers held a meeting this afternoon in the office of Superintendent Hamilton in the Central building and matters pertaining to the opening of the schools were talked over. The meeting was a joyful one, for it was a meeting of those who have not seen each other since leaving the city after the closing of the schools.

Miss Cramer and Miss Marshall are the only new teachers appointed this year.

*Pearl Marshall later became the Missoula County Superintendent of Schools.

[The above article appeared in the newspaper The Anaconda Standard – Sept 9, 1900. Superintendent Hamilton was a unique Montana figure in many ways. He was the author of a study of the early Montana, a legislator,  and later became the president of Montana State University in Bozeman. For more information on James Hamilton see the link below:]

Posted by: Don Gilder on