Philip Evans (Arrow Case) – Warrior with Chief Joseph Dead – 1937

Warrior With Chief Joseph Is Dead in Idaho

Philip Evans Passes at the Age of 93 Years, Crossed Lolo Trail in 1877.

St. Ignatius, Aug. 7. – (Special) –

Philip Evans, aged 93, one of Chief Joseph’s warriors in the Nez Perce war of 1877, died at his home in East Kamiah, Idaho, Monday evening at 8:30.

Evans, a widower, had been cared for for several years past, since the death of his wife, by Mrs. Sam Pablo. His death was due to his advanced age.

Joining Chief Joseph’s army in 1877, Evans fought in the battles of Whitebird, Cottonwood and Clear creek, and followed his chief in the historical retreat over the Lolo trail into Montana. He returned to Kamiah after the war closed, accepted religion and became one of the pillars of the first church in East Kamiah. He was held in highest respect by fellow members of his tribe, and by white people who knew him.


The above article appeared in The Sunday Missoulian on August 8, 1937.

Philip Evans, also known as ‘Arrow Case’, was interviewed and quoted by historian L. V. McWhorter for his book ‘Hear Me, My Chiefs.’

Posted by: Don Gilder on