Parking Meters Arrive in 1948

The following article appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue.


City commissioners decided against parking meters in 1940, but the city finally adopted them in 1948.

Instead of parking meters in 1940, city commissioners adopted more stringent parking regulations. The regulations provided for a 50 cent fine for each first offense of parking overtime, 75 cents for the second violations and $1.50 for the third. The limit for parking on paved streets downtown and in restricted areas was one hour.

Neil Fisher was one of the first to urge the purchase of the meters. In 1947 Mayor Juliet M. Gregory contended that Missoula had reached a size where “horse and buggy methods” were no longer suitable.

When the State Supreme Court ruled in March 1948 that Missoula might install parking meters without holding an election Mayor Gregory announced that meters would be installed.

Posted by: Don Gilder on