Notice of Dissolution – Cobban & Dinsmore – 1900

Notice of Dissolution

Notice is hereby given that the firm of Cobban and Dinsmore is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

R. M. Cobban continuing in the real estate business and in the management of the Orchard Homes Nos. 1 and 2, and of the Higgins block, assuming all bills connected therewith.

Samuel Dinsmore also continuing in the real estate business and in the management of the Bitter Root Orchard company, the Cobban and Dinsmore Orchard Homes No. 3 and the Morrison & Dorman ranch, assuming all bills therewith connected.

The said dissolution is found necessary on account of the diversified interests of said firm, and is made with the kindest of feelings between the parties thereto.

R. M. Cobban

Samuel Dinsmore.

Dated at Missoula, Mont., Aug. 13, 1900.

[The above notice appeared in the newspaper The Anaconda Standard – September 9, 1900]

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