Northern Pacific Railroad

Isaac Stevens knew a good thing when he saw it!

In 1853 Isaac I. Stevens was commissioned by Congress to lead a survey expedition to this area to find a favorable route for the Northern Pacific. Two members of his party – Captain C. P. Higgins and Frank L. Worden – liked it here so well that they stayed to start in 1860 the settlement that has grown into modern Missoula.

Northern Pacific rails reached Missoula on June 23, 1883, about four months before the last spike was driven at Gold Creek uniting East and West. Since that historic time NP has been privileged to take part in the development and progress of Missoula and the Bitter Root and Flathead Valleys.

Years ago NP was instrumental in bringing settlers to this area. Today passengers on NP’s renowned Vista-Dome North Coast Limited come and go in unexcelled comfort and safety. Many tourists visit this area via NP.

Industry is another natural interest of NP. As a “tree farmer,” NP has contributed in a major way to the fast-growing Western Montana forest products industry. New industry is encouraged by NP to locate here. And “tailor-made” freight service, at competitive rates, to meet the special needs of the forest products industry, has been brought to the doors of the mushrooming plants in the Missoula area.

Through the years NP has cooperated as a partner in promoting successful farming in the Bitter Root and Flathead Valleys. For example, back in 1927, Northern Pacific helped reestablish the sugar beet industry in Western Montana by making additional highly productive areas accessible to the Missoula processing plant. This was accomplished by relocating the NP’s Bitter Root branch at a cost of more than $1 million.

Northern Pacific has consistently encouraged the development of irrigation. Today we are striving to bring about the full utilization of natural resources in this area. Protection of water rights is a vital part of this program.

Missoula and the area it serves have long contributed substantially to Northern Pacific traffic, both freight and passenger. We appreciate your business and we propose to show our appreciation by maintaining a high quality of service and by our continued active interest in the general well-being of Missoula and Western Montana.

Happy Birthday!

Northern Pacific Railway

Vista-Dome North Coast Limited

Posted by: Don Gilder on