Montana Power Company Arrives in Missoula – 1929

Property of Local Public Utility Passes To Hands Of Montana Power Co. – 1929

Coincident with the receipt Friday of dividend checks of the Montana Power company by many Western Montana residents, announcement was made at the office of the Missoula Public Service company that the properties of that company had formally passed into the hands of the Montana Power Company.

These properties include the electric light and power systems serving Missoula, Lolo, Florence, Stevensville, Victor, Corvallis, Woodside, Hamilton, Grantsdale, Bonner and Milltown, as well as the street railway, steam heating and water properties in Missoula and the water system in Hamilton.

Disposed of by the Clark interests when all the Clark properties in Montana were sold a little more than a year ago, these utilities passed to the American Power and Light company. That concern now transfers them to the Montana Power company. The properties will be operated by the Montana Power company as part of its large system in Montana, thus assuring Missoula and its adjoining communities uninterrupted power service, since all the plants of the Montana Power company are interlocked through a system of high tension transmission lines.

Effective November 1, residents of the Missoula district will also have the benefit of the Montana Power company’s electric and power rates, the lowest in the state, and uniform throughout the state.

The above announcement appeared in The Daily Missoulian on November 2, 1929.

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