Montana Flour Mills Co.

This ad appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue.


Montana Flour Mills Co.

50 Years of Flour Milling in Montana
56 Years of Elevator Service
37 Years Manufacturing Feeds

As early as 1904 the Montana Elevator Company began to buy and store grain in central Montana.

By 1911 the first Montana Flour Mills Company mill began the milling of wheat into choice family flour
1923 the Montana Flour Mills Company took another step forward, and began the manufacture of special feeds for livestock and poultry.

Today there are 50 elevator points in Montana Elevator Company . . .

Today the Montana Flour Mills Company has two large mills in Montana and one in Minnesota . . .

The Montana Elevator Company and Montana Flour Mills Company became one in 1911.

GENERAL OFFICES: Great Falls, Montana

Posted by: Don Gilder on