Missoula Spartans Football, Undefeated Champs

This ad appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue.


Missoula Spartans of 1955, Undefeated AA Football Champs

The Missoula Spartan football squad of 1955, under Hal Sherbeck, went through the season undefeated, winning seven conference and two nonconference tilts. Missoula beat Butte Central for the AA Championship in a blizzard on Dornblaser Field. Sitting from left, Dick Johnson, Joe Pepe, Bill Burklund, Bill Edinger, Jerry Luchau, Dick Hale, Jerry Schmitz, Dick Wilson, Tom Lowe, John Russell; kneeling Joe Porter, John Matte, Floyd Bethke, Frank Demaskos, Tom Drinville, John Morrison, Bob Frederickson, Gary Bjorklund, Jim Bauer, Jack Cooper, Leo Kottas, Norman Lowe, Jerry Maclay[1]. Standing, Coach Sherbeck, Jim Firkins, Tony Buzzetti, Paul Gyles, Roy Lynn, Bruce Olson, Myke Lindsay, Lloyd Bethke, Gary Culbertson, Brain Nooney, Dan Rice, Bob Wheatly, Ken Wersland, Layton Felstet, Assistant Coach Ron Anderson. (Courtesy of Missoula Club)


[1] Interestingly, this picture is of David Maclay, younger brother of Jerry Maclay.
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