Missoula Music Co.

This ad appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue on page 13 of Section A.


Missoula Music Co.

137 East Main
Happy Birthday Missoula! From the “Music Men” at Missoula Music Co.
John M. Orvis and Walter Hein

John M. Orvis and Walter Hein are the music men. The old-time phonograph, an Edison loaned by Grant Logan of Missoula, was a popular model sold in Missoula during the early 1900’s. Mr. Orvis recalls “machines” of this type in his father’s store, J. M. Orvis, Pianos, opened in Missoula in 1897.

John Orvis, learning the trade in his father’s store, has been in the music business in Missoula since 1919. In 1956 he and Walter Hein opened their present store. Mr. Hein was western sales representative for a wholesale radio and phonograph distributor for 19 years.

Posted by: Don Gilder on