McLeod Park deeded to Missoula – 1956

Land is Deeded to County for New Park

The 1600 block between England and Harker avenues has been deeded by the Missoula Mercantile Co. to Missoula county for a park to be called McLeod Park.

Inasmuch as the county has no funds for improving it, the Jefferson Parent-Teacher Assn. has called a meeting for 8 p.m. at the Jefferson School to initiate plans for making the plot beautiful, said Capt. E. F. Llewellyn, president. He said funds, labor and material will be sought.

Efforts will be spearheaded by a committee composed of Harry Vasser Jr., chairman; Don Davis, Ben Gates and Mrs. Charles Miller.

The article above appeared in The Missoulian on July 11, 1956

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