Leatitia Schillinger – Matron Enlists in Army Five Years To Day After Son – 1945

Matron Enlists in Army Five Years To Day After Son

Five years from the day her son enlisted in the air forces, Mrs. Leatitia Schillinger signed for service in the Women’s Army corps, it has been announced at local recruiting headquarters.

Mrs. Schillinger said that she feels enlistment in the armed forces not only gives a woman a chance to serve her country equally with the fighting men, but that it offers opportunity to satisfy the sense of adventure and pioneering still latent in many American women.

Mrs. Schillinger’s son, Captain John J. Allen, is a meteorologist with the Tenth air force and is stationed in India, where he has been for 18 months. An experienced office worker and one who has had three years of nurse’s training, Mrs. Schillinger hopes to serve as a laboratory technician.

Mrs. Schillinger has done public welfare work in McCone county. She is a member of St. Anthony’s church and the Altar society. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Arnold of route No. 1.

Miss Naomi S. Kortte of Troy recently enlisted through the local recruiting office also. Aside from her schooling at Troy, she listed herself as being experienced in trapping, waiting tables and clerking. In school she was active in dramatics and basketball. She said that she was enlisting because she feels the war is as much her war as it is that of men in uniform.

Corporal Mary T. Schroer, substation commander here, has also made announcements of interest concerning several local members of the WAC.

Private Loretta Arkell is home on leave from Childress Army air field at Childress, Texas. She is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arkell, 520 East Broadway.

Staff Sergeant Edith Greenough Boissevain has been in England for the last six months. She is a sister of Mrs. Ruth Greenough Schleber, 631 Vine street, and a member of a prominent pioneer Montana family. Widely traveled, Sergeant Boissevain is now retracing her steps in a wartime England.

Five Montana women who enlisted in Missoula in the months of December were Nancy Beauchemin, St. Ignatius; Mrs. Audrey Koers, Dixon; Mrs. Emmaline Embury, Stevensville; Mrs. Charlotte Bachor, Missoula, and Olga Thorshein, St. Ignatius.

The above article appeared in The Daily Missoulian on January 6, 1945.


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