Hugh and Mamie Campbell – Missoula County Sheriff & sister of Sheriff Bill Kelley


Campbell – Kelly [Kelley]


The Marriage of Two of the Popular Young People of this City


Hugh Campbell, the third baseman and change pitcher of the Missoula baseball club was married this morning at 10:30 to Miss Mamie Kelly, an estimable and popular young lady of this city.


The ceremony was performed at the Catholic church by the Rev. Father Alexander Diomedi in the presence of a large number of friends. J. J. Shinnick acted as best man. The bride was becomingly dressed in a traveling costume of gray cloth and looked as fresh and charming as a bride should look, while “Hughy’, was as handsome and self-possessed as though striking out an adversary on the diamond. After the ceremony which made the happy young couple man and wife, and the hearty congratulations of all present, the bridal party repaired to the Florence hotel where a sumptuous repast was partaken of. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell then took the 1:15 train for the west for a short bridal tour. They were the recipients of a number of handsome presents and the good wishes of all who know them.


The contracting parties to this marriage are too well known in Missoula to need any extended notice.


The bride has been since childhood a resident of this city and by her many graces of manner and sterling qualities of heart, has endeared herself to a large number of friends. The groom, a member of the transfer firm of Stinger, Campbell & Co., is more familiarly known as “Hughy” a member of the champion amateur baseball team of the state, who in many a hard fight has saved the pride of Missoula from defeat. From his intimate knowledge of home runs he will doubtless make a model husband, and will undoubtedly get on to the curves of married life with great rapidity. It is to be hoped that his future career will be without any strikes outside of the baseball field.


Good luck to you Hughy. The best wishes of the GAZETTE go with you and your young wife.


The above article appeared in the The Missoula Weekly Gazette, September 30, 1891.


Hugh was born at Pittsburg, Pa., in 1868. He went on to become a Sheriff of Missoula County in 1907, and a Missoula alderman and city judge. Mamie Kelley was the daughter of Patrick and Hannah Kelley. They were the parents of 5 children, Frank B., Hugh Jr., Ursula, May, and Charles. Son Frank was a graduate of Notre Dame and well known Missoula athlete and athletic organizer and sponsor. Ursula taught in Missoula schools for decades.

Hugh Sr. is remembered for singing the National anthem at public events throughout his life.


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