Hell Gate Population About 35 in 1862-63

This ad appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue.


The Historical Society in 1876 published a list of residents of various sections of Montana, the following listed as residents of Hell Gate in the winter of 1862-63;

Peter J. Bolte, Albert Batchelder, Daniel S. Calkins, John S. Caldwell (Missoula Ferry), Marcus Doan, John Frazier, Adeline Grant, Mrs. Helen Grant, Julia P. Grant, Capt. C. P. Higgins, W. B. S. Higgins, John Lowre, Thomas Minesinger, Peter McDonald, Adeline Pelkey, Robert A. Pelkey, Jefferson Henry Pelkkey, Joseph Pion, David Patter [Pattee], Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rouse, William Sinclair, Colin Sinclair, I. N. (Buck) Stinson (hanged at Bannack by Vigilantes in 1864), James Sellers, Susan Sellers, William Scott, Richard (Beaver Dick) Smith; George P. White, Josephine White, Henry Williams and Frank L. Worden.

This would put the population of Hell Gate at that time at about 35.

[This may not have included several others for whatever reasons. The most notable name missing here would be Frank Woody. He may have been traveling at the time. He helped put up some of the first buildings in Hell Gate.]

Posted by: Don Gilder on