H. M. Ogden dies – Started 1st Light Plant

H. M. Ogden dies – Started 1st Light Plant

Former Missoula Man Is Dead At Bozeman

H. M. Ogden Started First Light Plant Here

H. M. Odgen, said to have started the first electric light plant in Missoula, died at Bozeman Wednesday, according to information which has been received here. The plant he opened in Missoula, according to information, was situated about where the present sub-station of the Missoula Light & Water company is situated, east of the north end of the Higgins avenue bridge and was operated by water power.

He made his home in Missoula for a number of years but went from here to Bozeman before the state capital fight when Bozeman had hopes of getting the capital.

Mrs. J. G. White of Paradise is a daughter of Mr. Odgen and with Mrs. White was in Missoula yesterday on her way to Bozeman, having been called there on account of her fathers death. Mr. Ogden’s death was brought on by heart trouble.

The above article appeared in The Daily Missoulian on December 1, 1922.

No attempt was made to correct spelling or grammar above.

The state capital fight lasted for several years. The date Ogden left Missoula was likely before 1892.


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