George Marshall Here 1938 (Nobel Peace Prize 1953)
George Marshall of “Marshall Plan” Here 1938 (Nobel Peace Prize 1953)
All-Night Mock Battle Staged By Fort Troops
Tactical Inspection Carried On by Brigade Commander Ends Today.
Fort Missoula troops are being put through a strenuous tactical inspection by Brigadier General George C. Marshall, commander of the Fifth infantry brigade, Third Division of the Army. The inspection began Wednesday afternoon and is to be concluded with a review and full field inspection at the fort Thursday forenoon.
Starting with rifle and machine gun firing at 10 o’clock at the Pattee canyon range following a hike from the fort, the four companies comprising the First battalion of the Fourth infantry went into battle maneuvers simulating actual wartime activities. The mock battle continued through the evening and all Wednesday night, following which the weary troops hiked back to the fort.
Unpleasant as the experience was, veterans of the service still in the ranks reminded their rookie comrades that they had but one night of it in the canyon, compared with weeks on end of such effort, under conditions infinitely worse.
Following his inspection at the fort, General Marshall, accompanied by Mrs. Marshall is to leave here for Fort Lewis, Wash., where he will make an inspection before returning to his headquarters at Vancouver Barracks, Wash.
The above article appeared in the Daily Missoulian on May 12, 1938.
George Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953. He became the 50th Secretary of State under President Harry Truman in 1949 and is largely credited for the “Marshall Plan” which began in 1948. Marshall introduced the rescue/reconstruction idea in a famous speech at Harvard University in 1947.