Foley Bridge

Foley Bridge

If what seems likely to happen with the new county bridge in Target Range really does occur, I believe Thomas Foley & wife (Ellen Calvey Foley) should be considered when naming this county landmark. Let me tell you about this gentle pioneer family. The Foleys were likely the first to settle in Target Range, in the 1860’s. They homesteaded almost a complete section of land bordering the Bitterroot river and what is now South Avenue West. Thomas came to this country from Mayo, Ireland as a boy, worked in a R. I. factory, and then moved to Wisconsin, where he learned to farm. He later went to Colorado and Alder Gulch, Mt. (1863) in search of gold. Evidently, he was successful as he soon moved to Missoula’s Target Range (called Bitter Root River Bend) where he started a farm, raising grain and vegetables. They soon became active in the community. Thomas Foley is listed as one of the founders of the Missoula County Fair in 1874. This family was credited with nursing Father Ravalli back to health at their ranch for 2 months when he very sick. In his history, Rev. Palladino stated, “No father or mother could have bestowed greater care on a son than Mr. and Ms. Foley did on Father Ravalli.” They donated “liberally” in the building of St. Francis church and are buried in Missoula’s St. Mary’s cemetery. Unlike many early pioneering couples, these folks were childless which may account for some of the obscurity that prevails in learning about them. I spoke with several old timers from Target Range and only one recalled their name – citing “Foley’s Hole” as a prime fishing spot. It would be nice to honor them when naming any new bridge in Target Range (Big Bitter Root Bend).

You can learn more about them at the link below:

Posted by: Don Gilder on