Floyd Frederickson – Hero boy 1929

Missoula Boy Is Hero of Accident Saves Four Lives

Floyd Frederickson Pulls Companions From Car In Lolo Creek.

Four Missoulians probably owe their lives to Floyd Frederickson, 16-year-old youth, who dragged them from the waters of Lolo creek last Sunday morning when the car in which the five were riding went over a grade and landed upside down in the stream.

The accident happened 11 miles this side of Lolo Hot Springs, where they were diving to join their employer, Alfred Addleman, for an outing. Frederickson and Miss Marcella McFarland, riding in the rumble seat, were thrown out and Richard Berry, Daniel Johnson and Miss Elizabeth Miller were pinned beneath the car.

Frederickson first rescued Miss McFarland, who was being carried down the stream. Then he returned to the car and pulled out the three trapped beneath it. All except Frederickson were dazed by the crash.

The above article appeared in The Sunday Missoulian on September 1, 1929.

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