Dr. Fiedler Hired – 1954 – WW 2 Vet

Dr. Fiedler Named Department Head [1954]

Dr. Leslie A. Fiedler, professor of English at Montana State University, has been named chairman of the English and Speech Department, University officials announced Thursday. He succeeds Dr. H. G. Merriam, who retired.

Associate Prof. Ralph Y. McGinnis was named associate chairman for speech, both appointments effective immediately.

Dr. Fiedler joined the Montana faculty in 1941. He served three years in the Navy and spent a year in advanced study at Harvard, returning to Montana in 1947. He taught in Italian universities from 1951 to 1953 and returned to MSU in the past year.

McGinnis has been a member of the Montana faculty since 1939 except for Navy service in World War II.

The above article appeared in the Daily Missoulian October 1, 1954.

Posted by: Don Gilder on