Dangerous Dancing – 1915

Arch Foe of “Modern Dances” Takes It All Back, Says the City Attorney

Mr. Wallace Reports to Council That Anti-Ragging Element Has Been Converted.

The anti-ragging element as represented by 18 signers of a petition presented to the council last week, has been converted to the ethics of the modern dance, according to a verbal report made to the councilmen yesterday by City Attorney Wallace, to whom the problem had been referred.

A Change of Heart.

Mr. Wallace intimated that the principal “mover” in the anti-one-step campaign had requested him to “go no further” with the matter at present. It was suggested that this person had held conferences with tango teachers and the like and had experienced a change of heart.

The council, somewhat worried as to what to do in regard to abridging this most popular amusement, breathed a sigh of relief and accepted the report with celerity.


The above excerpt came from an article in The Daily Missoulian on May 20, 1915.


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