Cramer Gulch – Martin Cramer

Cramer Gulch – Martin Cramer

Victor To Honor Dead Pioneer’s Memory

Martin Cramer’s Funeral To Be Held In Valley Town Tomorrow

Victor, Dec. 21. – (Special) – The funeral of Martin Cramer will be held in this town Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’clock. The news of Mr. Cramer’s death has cast a cloud of gloom over this entire community, where he had lived so long and where he was highly esteemed. Word has been received from many old-timers that they will be present to pay their tribute to the worth of their old friend.

Martin Cramer was a native of Germany, having been born in Hesse-Darmstadt, February 16, 1841. He died, as has already been announced, in Long Beach, Calif., Dec. 11, 1913. He had gone south for the benefit of the health of his wife and the announcement of his death reached his neighbors as a shock; they had not expected it, as Mr. Cramer was vigorous for a man of his years.

Mr. Cramer came to this country with his parents when he was but four years old. His father settled in Wisconsin, where Martin grew to manhood. He enlisted in the Union army at the outbreak of the Civil war and served two years. He was discharged on account of a wound received in the second battle of Bull Run. He came to Montana in 1864, going first to Virginia City. He mined in all the early placer camps, but was not successful. Abandoning mining, he located a farm in Hell Gate canyon, near Bonita. From him Cramer gulch received its name. He sold this farm in 1890 and moved to the Bitter Root, where he bought a farm which he operated until a few years ago, when he disposed of his holdings and moved to Victor to live.

In Helena, in 1867, Mr. Cramer married Miss Mary C. Kuntz. To them five children were born, three of whom are living. Two reside in Victor. Mrs. George Hanson and W. H. Cramer.


The above obituary appeared in The Daily Missoulian on December 22, 1913.

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