Letter From An “Old Indian” – 1944

Letter to The Missoulian – 1944 From An “Old Indian” Editor, The Missoulian: I am an Indian, and as such, I would like to make a plea to my race regarding the drinking of liquor. Indians, we are causing ourselves a lot of grief, misery and degradation by our vain Read More

Jackson Sundown Memorial

Memorial dedicated to Jackson Sundown by Gladys Rae Swank Lewiston, Idaho – Mrs. Adeline Adams of Ronan participated in the dedication of a memorial to her father, the late George Jackson, a Nez Perce Indian, better known in rodeo circles as Jackson Sundown. During the ceremonies, conducted at the Nez Read More

Chief Charlo and the Bitter Root Medicine Tree

Bitter Root Folk Honor Chief Charlo Medicine Tree Is Scene of Big Reception Darby, Oct. 4. – Special – Last Sunday the residents of the upper Bitter Root valley assembled in a large group to show respect and pay honor to Chief Martin Charlo, who, for the first time in Read More

Rosalie Morigeau, Oldest Indian on Flathead Reservation, Passes at 95

Rosalie Morigeau, Oldest Indian on Flathead Reservation, Passes at 95 Daughter of Trader of Hudson Bay Company. Funeral Services at St. Ignatius Saturday. Polson, Sept. 17. – Special – Rosalie Morigeau, the oldest Indian on the Flathead reservation, according to records at the agency at Dixon, died Thursday afternoon here Read More

Timini, Oldest Indian in Northwest Passes – 1917

Timini, Oldest Indian in Northwest Passes Venerable Aborigine Passes Away Near Sloan at Age of 120. Outlived Children Chief Timini Led Nez Perce Tribes on War Path Fifty Years Ago. With memories of the days when he led howling hordes of Nez Perces against pale-faced invaders flitting hazily through his Read More

Indian Encampment and Colorful Costumes for Special Days

These photos appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue. Below are the captions for the photos on page 19 of Section A.   Indian Encampment Looking Toward Hell Gate This picture was taken looking toward the entrance of Hell Gate Canyon between Mt. Sentinel and Mt. Jumbo and toward what today Read More

Bitter Root Lands – Indian’s Premises to be Sold on Monday Next

  BITTER ROOT LANDS   Indian’s Premises to Be Sold on Monday Next.   How the Purchases Are to Be Made and Under What Terms – Sellers to Go on the Reserve.   Stevensville, Aug. 30 – [Special Correspondence to the Gazette] – The sale of the “Indian lands” in Read More

Missoula’s name translated – Metis Duncan McDonald Speech 1915

  DUNCAN MCDONALD SPEECH   In his address at the University of Montana Auditorium on the evening of Monday, February Twenty-Second, 1915.   At twelve minutes after eight the speaker, accompanied by Judge Woody, Major Catlin, Mr. Paxton, and Mr. A. L. Stone, mounted the platform and Mr. Stone made Read More

Status of Breeds – 1900

  The article below appeared in the Daily Democrat-Messenger – an alternative Missoula newspaper – on July 5, 1900.       STATUS OF BREEDS   Judge Knowles Decides They are Indians in the Eyes of the Law.   Judge Knowles, of the United States court, in an opinion of Read More

Cultural Tradition and Medicine Trees of the Bitterroot Salish and Pend d’ Oreille by Dean Sonneah Nicolai – excerpt Masters Thesis – 2012

3.2.3 Cultural Tradition and Medicine Trees of the Bitterroot Salish and Pend d’ Oreille by Dean Sonneah Nicolai The Bitterroot Salish, having an intimate connection to their landscape gained over thousands of years from living in one place, timed the cycles of the camas and bitterroot plants, the ripening of Read More