Betty Jane Randles and Joyce V. Rasmussen – 1st Ketcham Memorial Winners – 1949

Betty Jane Randles and Joyce V. Rasmussen

First Winners of Ketcham Memorial

First of the newly established G. A. Ketcham Memorial awards went to Betty Jane Randles and Joyce V. Rasmussen at the forty-ninth annual commencement exercises in the Missoula county high school auditorium Wednesday evening.

The scholarships for $200 each, representing the largest local awarded at the school, will be given when the girls matriculate in an accredited university or college. . .

Selection was based on general worthiness, scholarship, service, leadership and character.

The idea of a memorial to the late Mr. Ketcham for 33 years principal of Missoula county high school, was first suggested by Clinton M. Hester, 1915 graduate who is now an attorney in Washington, D. C. In November, 1947, faculty alumni met to discuss plans for such a memorial. In December of that year representatives of classes from 1913 to 1947 met and committees were organized to contact members of each of the 33 classes graduated under the administration of Mr. Ketcham.

The above is from an article in The Daily Missoulian on June 9, 1949.

For more about Clinton Hester (whom Ketcham mentored) see the link below:

Posted by: Don Gilder on