A Big Missoula Bear going to the world’s fair – 1891


A Bear as Is a Bear


While the local ramrods are talking about hunting bear they should go to the store of the Tuttle Manufacturing company and see there displayed the hide of the king of all. Ursus Majoris it is in fact as well as name, and was killed yesterday in the rear of the Northern Pacific hospital by Drs. Buckley and Hilmantel. The monster has been seen prowling about the premises for several days and yesterday these bold physicians hit upon a novel plan of capturing him. They saturated a large piece of pork with chloroform, and after sprinkling it with sugar, set the bait. The animal readily fell a prey, becoming unconscious soon after devouring the seductive morsel. It was a matter of but a few moments to brain the wretch with a pair of stuffed clubs and the result is on exhibition today. The hide measures nine feet across and the head weighs fifty-three pounds. It is the largest animal of its species ever captured, and will be sent to the world’s fair as a sample of what Missoula can produce when she tries right hard.



The above article appeared in the Missoula Gazette, October 26, 1891.


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