Report of Leper / Social, Athletic Club / DAV Chapter

These three small articles appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue on page 7 of Section A.


Report of Leper In 1892 Cause Stir

Some excitement was caused throughout the city in the middle of May 1892 when a report was circulated that a leper had been seen in the city and was hiding in one of the wash houses.

Health Officer Robert Mentrum investigated the report and found that a Chinese resident had an infection on the first forefinger of the left hand. A doctor who was called found that the man was not suffering from leprosy, but from gangrene, and reported that without prompt medical attention, blood poisoning and death could result.


Social, Athletic Club Organized

Thirty-five of Missoula’s young and progressive citizens met the evening of Jan. 10, 1895, at the hall under the First National Bank and signed the roll of the new social and athletic club as charter members.

Officers were C. W. Blair, president; W. A. Hoblitzell, secretary; N. J. Gould, treasurer, and A. M. Sterling, Andrew Beckwith, C. H. Hall, J. A. Walker and D. H. Markell.


DAV Chapter Here Since ‘21

Garden City Chapter 5, Disabled American Veterans, was chartered in 1921. When national headquarters granted a charter to the state DAV in 1922, George Masters, Al Griffiths and John Mahan were elected officers in the state.

Posted by: Don Gilder on