Heavy Machines, Park Pool, Hotel Margaret & Grandfathers

These photos appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue on page 35 of Section E. Below are the captions for those photos.


Heavy Machines Get the Logs to the Mills

Heavy machinery, trucks and loaders, get the logs to the mill in today’s efficient logging operations. The lumber industry has been one of the biggest contributors to the progress and prosperity of the Garden City right from its start. One of the first two buildings erected here was a sawmill near what is now the north end of Higgins Avenue Bridge.


Youngsters Romp in Park Pool

These youngsters are keeping cool in one of the city’s wading pools on hot summer day. The Missoula Recreation Department annually sponsors a wide variety of activities in the city’s parks for the youth of the community, and in the winter the department has weekly sessions in the grade school gyms.


Hotel Margaret Razed in 1957

The picturesque Hotel Margaret at Bonner, for many years an attractive part of the neatly kept lumber community, was taken down in 1957. It was part of the mill property, constructed of the finest lumber and materials available.


Their Grandfathers Got It Started

The grandfathers of H. O. (Bill) Worden (left) and Grant C. Higgins were the founders of Hell Gate and resulting Missoula. The two men are standing in front of all that remains of an early store Christopher P. Higgins and Francis L. Worden ran at Hell Gate in the 1860s.

Posted by: Don Gilder on