Missoula Mayors – Missoulian Centennial Edition 1960

City Back With Aldermanic Form After Trying Other Governments

The city of Missoula has made a complete circuit in forms of government since the 1880s.

After trying the aldermanic, commission (council), and commission-manager forms of government, Missoula is finally where it began – with the aldermanic form.

Change Is Voted

Missoula operated under the mayor-alderman form from 1883 to 1911. The commission (council) form of government in Missoula was voted in when 1,415 electors went to the polls May 16, 1911. Those favoring the change from the mayor-alderman form totaled 847 with 568 opposed.

The first officers under the commission form were installed July 16, 1911, the mayor and two councilmen replacing the old regime of mayor and eight aldermen, two from each of the four wards of the city.

Pioneering Step

Missoula made the pioneering step in Montana. Helena followed four years later. The commission plan in Missoula was adopted on a six-year trial basis. Proponents compared the advantages of a full-time business-like city administration with the mayor system and part-time services of aldermen whose chief interests lay in their own business.

John M. Evans became the first mayor under this form of government and the commissioners were Cuthbert Peat and T. A. Price.

The Commission form sufficed for more than 40 years until Missoula voters on March 22, 1954, once again changed their government. This time the commission-manager form was validated by a vote of 3,465 to 2,836.

Manager Hired

The commissioner-manager government took over formally in November 1954 with Walton R. L. Taylor of Hopkins, Minn., hired as manager. Taylor was chosen by Mayor James A. Hart, who served from June 28, 1954 to Jan. 6, 1958. Hart, member of a five-person elected city commission, became mayor when he received the greatest number of votes.

Missoula returned to the original aldermanic form of government in May 1959. The commissioner-manager government was turned over to a new mayor, treasurer and 12 aldermen.

A new city attorney was appointed and the city’s police judge, serving by appointment under the commissioner-manager government, started an elective term. Alan Bradley, retiring mayor, administered the oaths of office to the new mayor, Walter A. Cash.

Mayors in Missoula and the dates they began their terms; Frank H. Woody, April 19, 1883; H. C. Meyers, May 23, 1884; Thomas C. Marshall, April 13, 1885; J. P. Smith, appointed Aug. 6, 1885; Dwight Harding, May 3, 1887; D. D. Bogart, May 7, 1888; John L. Sloane, May 16, 1889.

William Kennedy, May 5, 1890; J. M. Keith, May 4, 1891; Frank G. Higgins, May 27, 1892; H. W. McLaughlin, May 1, 1893; J. M. Keith, May 6, 1895; F. C. Webster, May 3, 1897; A. M. Stevens, May 6, 1901; M. R. C. Smith, May 4, 1903; Fred C. Morgan, appointed March 11, 1907; J. M. Keith, May 6, 1907; Andrew Logan, May 3, 1909.

W. H. Reid, May 1, 1911; John M. Evans, July 16, 1911; James Rhoades, May 6, 1912; A. M. Getchell, May 4, 1914; H. T. Wilkinson, May 1, 1916; William H. Beacom, May 1, 1922; R. W. Kemp, May 3, 1926; W. H. Beacom, May 7, 1928.

Ralph L. Arnold, May 10, 1934; Roy F. Hamilton, acting mayor, Jan. 4, 1937; Dwight N. Mason, April 13, 1937; Juliet Gregory, May 5, 1947; Ralph L. Starr, April 29, 1949; James A. Hart, June 28, 1954; Alan Bradley, Jan. 6, 1958; Walter A. Cash, May 11, 1959.

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