Thrills Plentiful in 1940-1960 Sports

The following article appeared in the Missoulian Centennial issue on page 32 of Section E.


Local Teams Capture Many Sports Titles

By Ray T. Rocene


Sports events provide many a thrill for competitors and fans alike in the Garden City during the 1940 – 1960 period.

Missoula had Montana State League baseball in 1941-42, Western Montana League Baseball in 1947. The Independent Missoula Pirates, Bonner Lumberjacks and Kalispell Chiefs all fielding strong teams, competing successfully in the state semipro tournaments.


Timberjacks Arrive

In 1956 the Missoula Timberjacks entered the Pioneer Class C league now competing in their fifth season in this fast loop currently consisting of three Idaho and three Montana teams.

Missoula Legion juniors won the state and regional titles in 1942, since have been runnersup thrice in state tournament play. Development of Babe Ruth and Little League competition on their own playgrounds have been an interesting diamond factor in the last few years.


Field House Opens

Basketball reached new heights with completion of the Montana Field House, Indiana champions the initial visitors. With Montana’s entry in the Skyline the Grizzlies returned to regular league schedule play successfully in most seasons. During the 1940 – 1960 period the Grizzlies won a majority of the basketball games from the Bobcats.

Missoula Spartans won state championships in 1946-47-49 and 1959. Flathead Braves of Kalispell winning in 1951-52. Missoula finished second twice.

Hamilton won the Class B title in 1947, St. Ignatius in 1956, Ronan in 1960. Drummond won the Class C title in 1957, Superior in 1959.

Independent and grade league basketball flourished mightily here through the years.


On the Gridiron

Grizzly gridders had good years in 1941, 1946 and 1947, have been unable to make much headway in the Skyline, yielded state honors to the Bobcats in 1956.

Spartans won state titles in 1943-44-45-46, then 1952-53-55 and last in 1957. The Flathead Braves captured the crown several times. Class B and C honors were confined to division play, Loyola twice capturing the division championship.

Amateur boxing has produced state champions, Neale Stuart, Don Nau and Don Doucette outstanding. Professional boxing flourished in sports, promoted by Spider McCollum and Richie Fontaine, Ronan’s Snyder and Dick Lane among the best to show here. The Fullmer – Giardello fight at Bozeman last April was the biggest fistic event in Montana since the Shelby scrap.

Just as the Second World War began the Liberty Center alleys were opened here, and in recent years the Treasure State alleys have contributed to the striking boom, with a climax reached in the Northwest International Bowling Congress here this year. Next year the men’s state tournament comes here.

Softball has maintained a strong stride in recent years, with Missoula showing well in state tournaments, the Wrights having made a trip to sectional tournament. State tournament competition has been conducted several times on the North Avenue Field.

Swimming and ice skating were given a big boost through construction of the new rink and pool at the University. Development of ski courses gave tremendous impetus to that popular winter sport. A strong City Recreation Department program revitalized interest in tennis, several local players winning Montana championships through the years. Golf continued to command a large and strong following at the beautiful Missoula Country Club grounds and play was expanded with reopening of the sporty nine-hole3 University course.

Posted by: Don Gilder on