Section E Pg 18 Missoulian Centennial Captions of 3 Photos

Captions of 3 Photos on Page 18, Section E

Immense High School Plant Occupied in 1957

Missoula County High School’s immense South avenue plant was used for the first time in January of 1957 when sophomores, juniors and seniors began attending classes in the $2,750,000 structure. (Photo by Ingvard Eide)

Remodeled in 1913

The Higgins avenue plant of Missoula County High School was first occupied in November 1908. In 1913 it was remodeled slightly to provide the four windows in the attic for art and home economics classes.

1908-1909 MHS Faculty


This was the Missoula High School faculty of 1908-09. From left are Prof. Francis A Stejer, Miss Jamieson, Margaret James, Miss Chisholm, Prof. J. Franklin Thomas, Miss Spencer, Caroline Wakeman and Prof. Greene.

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