A New Fort Missoula

The article below appeared in The Daily Missoulian, Jan. 18, 1909.

It has a special significance today as the U. S. Military officially abandoned Fort Missoula in a ceremony held at the fort, yesterday, Sept. 23, 2013. See news link below.





Special to The Daily Missoulian.

            Washington, D. C. Jan. 17 – The general plan for the new Fort Missoula has been finally approved by the officers of the war department, and architects and draughtsmen are now busily engaged in the preparation of the detailed plans and the specifications for the barracks and officer’s quarters. These will be made ready as soon as possible and the further details will be taken up at once.

            The new post is arranged along lines which take advantage of the natural beauties of the site and also adapt the construction to the natural contour, insuring perfect drainage, an uncontaminated water supply and perfect sanitary conditions throughout. The plan includes in its scope the scenic beauties of the Bitter Root river and the buildings will be so arranged as to have the majestic peaks of the Bitter Root mountains for their background and setting. When completed, the post will have no rival in the country in point of beauty and convenience.

            The new Fort Missoula is to be laid out somewhat up river from the present post buildings, although the new parade grounds will include the present buildings and parade ground. The general plan is that of a slightly flattened semi-circle of officer’s quarters, facing the Bitter Root river, with barracks at each end, running at right angles to the quarters and to the river bank. This scheme leaves the river front open and later development of the plan will include park work with a promenade on the high bank overlooking the river.

            The quartermaster’s storehouses, the corrals and the quarters of the non-commissioned officers will be at the eastern end of the post, near the present Four-Mile house. Great care has been taken to make each part of the plan harmonious with the whole; it will be a handsome lot of buildings and the effect of the groups will be particularly fine. The new construction will be cement with red-tile roofs.

            Quarters for the accommodation of one battalion will be constructed in the early spring. The plan contemplates the construction of a regimental post, but the appropriation available for the present purposes is sufficient only for one battalion. Bids for the concrete work will be opened probably in March or April; these will call for the immediate expenditure of $200,000.

            The government will build its own railway line within the boundaries of the military reservation, so that both the Northern Pacific and the Milwaukee can lay connecting spurs for their own use.

            In connection with the new construction work at the fort, the war department will insist upon the complete abandonment of all the saloons now adjoining or lying near the military reservation.

            Senator Dixon, asked about the new fort, said to The Missoulian’s correspondent: “The new post will be strictly modern, up to date in every particular. The new construction work will include the very latest ideas in military post construction and the new Fort Missoula will be as nearly perfect as skill and experience can make it. The war department experts are enthusiastic over the advantages which the Missoula site possesses.”

Posted by: Don Gilder on