Section D Pg 26 Missoulian Centennial First Kiwanis Meeting Conducted Here in ’21

First Kiwanis Meeting Conducted Here in ‘21

The first meeting of the Missoula Kiwanis Club was April 14, 1921, at Hotel Florence.

The idea for such an organization was first conceived by Frank Cooney and Walter Manson. Manson was elected president at the first meeting. Frank T. Jones was chosen secretary. The first directors were Manson, Walter L. Pope, Joseph Early, Frank Thomas, Harry Morison and L. N. Simons.

The charter for the club was delivered in July 1921 and on July 7 Daniel B. Shields of Salt Lake presented the charter for the international organization. Dan J. Heyfron received it for the club. Charter members numbered approximately 65. Of these James K. Caras, Judge Walter L. Pope, Ray G. Small and Harry Rawn are still active.

Club Objectives

Objectives of the organization were to make Missoula and western Montana known throughout the country, to support municipal improvements, to help the poor, and to promote worthy causes for the benefit of Missoula children and tourists visiting Missoula. Immediately after organizing the Kiwanis assisted the Missoula Chamber of Commerce in the promotion and upkeep of the Missoula tourist park. They helped to secure a meeting of the National Editorial Association in Missoula in 1922.

Kiwanis initiated a “kiddies fund” in early years and contributed money to the Salvation Army, the municipal skating rink and to Mother Mary of St. Patrick Hospital who helped poor children. The club supervised the construction of the skating rink and initiated the movement which led to the improvement of the western entrance to Missoula. Kiwanians promoted friendly relations with the officers and soldiers at Ft. Missoula. Each year they awarded prizes for the best gardens in the Garden City.

Club Helps Child

During its first three years the club helped save the life of a child who had been stricken with spotted fever. The club hired two trained nurses, and Dr. C. L. Bouredeau, a member, volunteered his services. Finally, the tide turned and the child’s life was saved.

In its first year the Missoula club was represented by Dr. W. E. Shea at the international convention.

In 1927 Kiwanis purchased a portable dental chair and with the help of Dr. R. G. Murphy, a member and past president; Ira B. Fee, principal of schools; parents and a welfare organization, arranged to take care of the dental needs of children which parents could not otherwise afford the cost.

Playground Sponsored

In November 1929 the Kiwanis Playground Association was organized with R. T. Richardson as president and John E. Patterson as secretary. A tract of land just off East Front street and toward the river was purchased from the Missoula Mercantile Co. and cleaned to be a park for the benefit of the youth. The title was cleared in 1942 and deeded to the city. The project cost approximately $12,000.

Around 1947 the Kiwanis Club promoted the Boys Basketball League for the fifth, sixth and seventh grades. In the basketball season of 1959-60 more than 500 boys participated in play. During the past 13 years of operation of this project some 4,000 boys have benefited from it.


Officers elected for 1960 were G. M. DeJarnette, president; Edward M. Pope, first vice president; Earl C Lory, second vice president; Ralph M. Peterson, treasurer, and George E. Martin, secretary.

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