Missoulians Against the Chinese – 1891


Against the Chinese.


At the regular semi-annual meeting of the county alliance of farmers held in Missoula last Tuesday a committee consisting of V. R. Woodmancy, Wm. Spurgin, Ed. Burrows, Robt. Johnson and Shirley Gharett appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of the delegates on the Chinese question reported the following which were unanimously adopted:


Resolved, That we, as members of the Missoula County Alliance, pledge ourselves not to employ a Chinaman under any circumstances.


Resolved, That we will not patronize any firm patronizing any Chinaman if we can possibly avoid it.


Resolved, That we denounce the method under which Chinese meats and vegetables are placed upon the market.


Resolved, That we believe if the citizens of Missoula would inquire into the filthy methods by which the vegetables and meats are raised by the Chinese they would be glad to buy of the parties who raise them in a pure, wholesome state.


Resolved, That we believe that by withdrawing our patronage from the Chinamen that it will eventually expunge them from our soil, which, we think, will be a blessing to our country, as they are a curse and drain upon it.


The above article appeared in the Missoula Gazette, October 9, 1891


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