Big Minstrel Carnival – 1900


The Last of the Season


Nashville Students at Union Opera House Next Friday Evening


The clever combination of old style minstrelsy with the progressive up-to-date features introduced each succeeding season has made Rusco and Holland’s Original Nashville Students combined with Gideon’s Big Minstrel Carnival one of the most popular and most enjoyable minstrel attractions in America today. It comes here with the most substantial of metropolitan reputations. It is a liberal enterprise founded on the best of principles. It brings an army of colored performers who are pronounced matchless in their ability to create wholesome fun. Every feature in its lengthy program represents money and originality; no two acts alike and no surfeit of any one act, everything crisp, clean and fresh and all presented in a quick, continuous round without a single wait. Singers, dancers, acrobats, tumblers, musicians, two big military bands, a symphony orchestra and a variety of unlimited features combine to make this the strongest and most expensive company here this season.


It will appear at the Union opera house Friday, July 13, and should draw a large audience, it being the last attraction of the season.



The above article appeared in the Missoula newspaper Daily Democrat-Messenger – July 11, 1900.



Posted by: Don Gilder on