‘Herder’ Humor 1903

Herder Humor – 1903

The editor of the 1903 Missoulian sometimes had a penchant for printing humorous things about Missoula and a few of its hapless residents. Below are 3 short articles that appeared near each other in the June 16, 1903 Semi-Weekly Missoulian.

Predatory Equines.

City Herder Gathers in a Band Running on the South Side

City Herder Bob Reick had a big roundup yesterday morning. There were 14 horses picked up by the herder and placed in the new city pound. Most of them were valuable animals which were permitted to run loose on the south side to the great damage of lawns. They were nearly all taken out before the day was over by the owners who paid the fees.

So many complaints have come in from the south side about horses running loose over the lawns that a special effort will be made to gather in every stray and tax the costs on to the owners.

Dedicated the Pavilion

Band Boys Give a Dance Which is Numerously Attended.

Fully 400 people attended the opening of the park pavilion last night, when the band boys gave their first opening concert and dance.

Although the damp weather interfered somewhat with the arrangements for an early parade, it was ideal weather for the dancers and a most enjoyable time was had.

Busses were run to and from the park and the center of the city and special arrangements were made for the care of the merry makers, who voted the affair a decided success.

John Murphy Gone.

But He Is Not Forgotten, as He Was a City Prisoner.

M. A. Bruce is one of the city herders. Unlike Bob Reicks he doesn’t herd stock. Mr. Bruce herds men – the city prisoners.

Yesterday Herder Bruce had his chain gang out at the park on the Rattlesnake. Suddenly Mr. Bruce was called over to the place where they dance two-steps.

During the absence of the “herder” Mr. John Murphy left a card stating that he would not be at home any more in Mr. Bruce’s company.

The police and the sheriff’s officers are now looking for Murphy as an escaped prisoner who has yet 20 days work to do on the streets, out of a 60-day sentence.

Mr. Bruce is wearing crepe and desponding muchly over the fact that it is the first time he ever trusted a prisoner and the first time one has escaped from him.

Posted by: Don Gilder on