Dredging @ Martina on Nine Mile – 1901

The Engineering and Mining Journal – July 13, 1901

Western Montana Placer Mining Company – This company is working the Bessie M. dredger near Martina*. The machinery is supported on a double boat 70 by 30 ft. in size, and has a capacity of 2,000 cu. yds. In 24 hours. Three shifts of 2 men each are engaged, with a dredging superintendent, Edward Blockley, and a fuel man, C. S. Crysler, the general manager and treasurer of the company. The plant in working order stands for an outlay of about $40,000.

In addition to the dredge the company has a large hydraulic mining plant, in charge of M. S. Cook. A flume 3,800 ft. long conveys the water from a reservoir. Besides the placer workings on Nine Mile Creek the company owns the Lo Lo quartz mine near Lo Lo, on which about $20,000 has been spent in development work.

*The information below is taken from Don Bert Omundson’s 1961 thesis titled, “Study of Place Names in Missoula County, Montana.”

Martina TI7N R2iiWo Abandoned gold camp on Ninemile Creek 16 miles N.W. of Nine Mile Ranger Station. The name was taken from the San Martina Gold Mining and Reduction Company which belonged to the H. L.  Frank estate in Butte. The original gold camp, Old Town, was vacated and moved to this site when Patrick McElligott (the informant’s father) and his partner struck gold e. of Mattie V, Creek. (Patrick McElligott)

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