1st Missoula Tourist Park – Here Come Californians

Average of 52 Tourist Parties Nightly at Local Tourist Park

An average of 52 cars a night are registered at the tourist park, according to J. Warren Galloway, a member of the chamber of commerce park committee. The highest total for one night during the season was 86 cars, he said.

The park is becoming more popular with travelers, Mr. Galloway said, and he told of an incident where a party of California tourists stopped at the park for a few evenings ago for the night (sic). They had toured Europe and India and were so well pleased with the Missoula park that they remained a week. They expect to return to Missoula next year to make the park their headquarters while visiting the various valleys and places of interest.

Ten new cabins have been built in the park this year by Carl Peterson, the caretaker, who is now building eight more which will be ready for use within 10 days.

The tourist camp is one of the best equipped in the state with cabins, kitchens, baths, running water and shade on the banks of the Rattlesnake creek.

The above article appeared in The Daily Missoulian on July 28, 1927.

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